Ode to the beer belly. And how we can hide it.

The prosperity belly, the beer belly, the roof. In this blog we pay an ode to this form of prosperity.

The beer belly. The symbol of prosperity, for the real burgundian, the bon vivants and beer connoisseurs. In this blog we bring an ode to the belly. The canopy, for the good tools, that can be used multifunctionally. Pull it in and up and you look muscular. Release it and the colossus has unprecedented impact. In this blog some top characteristics:

 Dynamic to deploy

Hold him in, and you look good. Let him go. And you can push things around!

Always a table at hand

Lie down a bit, and you can also put your beer on it

Very danceable

Because of the flexible content, very danceable

Greet your friends in style

Forget about the high-five. There are better methods.

The best cannon balls

Impress in the pool

But let's not show it off too much

Best invention ever. But good tools belong under a canopy and not under a carport. So let's make sure that it stays a bit within bounds. And yes it comes here: with our corrective underwear this carport can be a bit hidden. 😉

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